Name: Kevin Murray
Year: Junior
Co-op Employer: Drexel University Office of Institutional Advancement
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Job Title: Student Alumni Liaison - Alumni Discovery Initiative
What is the Drexel University Office of Institutional Advancement?
The Office of Institutional Advancement, or IA, is the office in charge of managing all alumni, friends, and donors to the University and the gifts that they make. The team is stretched across many disciplines including: Major Gifts, the Drexel Fund, Protocol and Special Events, Foundation and Corporate Relations, Communications and Marketing, Planned Giving, Development Research, and Alumni Relations.
How did you find this job?
I found this position through two methods. First, I was connected with a few people in this department through a professional contact after I had expressed interest in possibly pursuing a career in athletic development. After going through two interviews, I learned that this position was actually on the Drexel system as well, so I applied through the system during A-round. After that, I was granted one final interview and was offered the position soon after.
What are your favorite parts?
I love that my whole job is creating, building, and fostering relationships with Drexel alumni and finding ways to better the University and their connection to it. In addition to that, I have had a great experience working large scale, University level events; I have been truly exposed to what a life in development would be like. I also have been able to get out of the office and travel to meet with these alumni in the tri-state region and New York City.
What are the most challenging parts?
The most difficult part of my job is that all of my relationship building starts with alumni that I have never met and have never been connected back to Drexel in anyway. The cold-calling process is very difficult and can be incredibly frustrating, but it is a life skill that is a must have going forward in the sport industry.
What skills have you used the most during your 6 months?
The ability to manage my time, communicate clearly through the phone and email, and manage relationships.
What were some things that you have learned during the 6 months that you think will help you in the future?
Communication and listening have been and continue to be the most important parts of my job and they are required skills for any and all positions in life. If I do pursue a career in advancement, and particularly athletic development, I must be able to productively and efficiently communicate and manage relationships over a long period of time. I have been able to develop that thanks to this job over the last few months.
Learn more about the Office of Institutional Advancement here.
Connect with Kevin Murray and LinkedIn here.
Follow Kevin Murray on Twitter here.
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